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学科范围: # Mathematics

Mathematical Programming Computation

Mathematical Programming Computation (MPC) publishes original research articles advancing the state of the art of practical computation in Mathematical Optimization and closely related fields. Authors are required to submit software source code and data along with their manuscripts (while open-sour

LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics

LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics has ceased publication. Its final volume is Volume 20 (2017). LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics is an electronic-only resource that comprises papers on the computational aspects of mathematics, mathematical aspects of computation, and papers in mat

Journal of Open Source Software

JOSS is an academic journal with a formal peer-review process that is designed to improve the quality of the software submitted. Upon acceptance into JOSS, we mint a CrossRef DOI for your paper and we list it on the JOSS website. This site contains documentation for authors interested in submitting

Journal of Open Research Software

The Journal of Open Research Software (JORS) features peer reviewed Software Metapapers describing research software with high reuse potential. We are working with a number of specialist and institutional repositories to ensure that the associated software is professionally archived, preserved, and